Membership In Silver Star Valley...
At The End Of The Day, It's All About Fun!

Become a Member of Silver Star Valley Saddle Club
Spoil yourself. Indulge your passion for horses and experience the camaraderie of sharing your passion with other horse lovers at Silver Star Valley. We've got facilities, training clinics, fun shows and serious shows, trail rides, health clinics, and space to gallop. Members have access to the grounds for practice/training when not in use for shows, including equipment like barrels, poles, and jumps. And all at a low membership fee that will astound you.
Categories & Requirements of Membership
Junior Membership
Ages 17 and under. Non-voting until 18th birthday.
Ages 18 and older. Full voting rights. Requires sponsorship by a current Member and approval by Board of Directors.
Family Membership
Voting rights accrue to each family member 18 years of age and older. Also requires sponsorship and approval by Board of Directors.
Requirements of Membership
The following are requirements of all adult members:
Must volunteer in at least two club events yearly including working shows, facilities maintenance days, or staffing fundraising events.
Must attend at least four monthly meetings yearly
Must remain current with annual dues

Info For Membership Applicants
Thanks for your application! You will get an email notification of receipt of your application within three business days. Please have your sponsoring club member provide a letter of recommendation to the club in order to complete your application. Your application will then be acted upon by the Membership at the next regular monthly meeting. Dues are payable upon approval.