Pleasure Show Basic Training
Saturday July 10, 2021
Two Sessions: 9:00-1:00, 2:00-6:00
Silverstar Valley Saddle Club
1524 McDowell Road, Greencastle, Pennsylvania 17225
Choose one or both sessions, where you can learn all of the essentials for preparing you and your horse to compete in pleasure shows!
Feeling unprepared to compete successfully in regional pleasure shows? Learn everything you need to know to show like a pro from Cindy Jewart, principal of Whoa Nellie Equine Services, graduate of Wilson College’s equestrian program, and master equestrian instructor.
Covered Topics Include:
When should I arrive at a show?
What should I bring along?
What should I wear?
Grooming your horse
Entering the ring
Positioning in the ring
Gaits in the ring
Listening to instructions
Expected show routines
Help! My horse is acting up!
Passing other horses in the ring
And much more!
Box lunches will be available for purchase. Enrollees are permitted to camp on the grounds the night before the event.
Limited to first 16 registrants (8 per session)
Fee per session: $55 non-members, $50 for SSVSC members.
Both sessions: $100 non-members, $95 for SSVSC members.
Must register online below and mail a 50% deposit made out to SSVSC to Janis Foster, 7780 Lyons Road, Waynesboro, PA 17268. Registration is not complete until deposit is received. Deposits are not refundable unless the show is cancelled.

Calendar of Events

Cindy Jewart

Important Information
Balance of fee will be paid upon arrival at the club. PROOF OF NEGATIVE COGGINS REQUIRED. Use of hard hats and safety attire is strongly encouraged. Ride at your own risk. Silver Star Valley Saddle Club, and any group or individual officially or non-officially involved in this event are not responsible for accidents, injury, illness, or death of any person or animal. This includes damage or loss of equipment or personal property. NO ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES on club grounds. DOGS MUST BE LEASHED at all times.